January 30, 2011 - 11:30 AM

It would almost seem normal - almost...

Having a houseful of all of our children and their significant others (minus, Levi, to Sarah's chagrin, but he will be here before long).  Reed and Lucy cooked a delicious vegetarian dinner last night of sauteed red peppers stuffed with feta cheese and assorted other flavors, a spinach tapa with pine nuts and raisins, and Spanish rice.  Eliza baked cookies, and Stuart arrived on the bus from Boston in time for dinner.  Sarah presided at the head of the table and joined us all afterwards for a game of Balderdash.  Anyone heard of a "zarf"?

A Sunday morning like any other with a series of breakfasts related to individual sleep cycles.  Sarah woke only once during the night and slept until 10.  Homework for the college students, crossword puzzles for the Brooklynites, Facebook and TV for Sarah, and, well, you know what I'm doing at the moment.

We had a moment of difficulty as Seddon and I attempted to flush the unused second lumen of Sarah's IV line from which her blood tests are drawn, and found that it wouldn't budge.  Clotted off already?  (How many experienced physicians does it take to figure out that there is a clamp on the line?)  We found the little purple clamp, released it, and then the heparin flush went in smoothly and easily.  The every 48 hour IV and antibiotic bag change is again this afternoon.  I have to get the next bag out of the refrigerator so that it comes to room temperature and doesn't freeze poor Sarah.

Sarah's INR (blood clotting test) was 2.0 on Friday, down from the day before.  So she received a higher dose of Coumadin on Friday and slightly higher Saturday and Sunday.  The plan is to retest on Monday and see where we are - still chasing this for now.

I will be testing my return to work tomorrow, hoping that I can bring some focus to work and away from Sarah's care for a few hours.  Seddon will return to her clinic at the VA hospital on Tuesday.  We aren't ready to leave Sarah unattended by one of us - not this week.

1 comment:

  1. We are sending you all hugs, you are doing such a great job! I am so impressed Sarah went to work, that is so cool!
    We are so glad you are home, Sarah is going to heal so much faster now, I just know it!
